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Pictures from last week’s protest

October 21, 2009


The MSC and Rudder tower were blocked off on all sides.  This picture was taken right before I met the girl who had to walk all the way around this whole mess to get to the doors I had just passed.  Evidently, I’d managed to slip by some guards and hadn’t realized it.


University Police was scattered around, some hanging out in the crowd, some sitting off to the side.  This guy was stationed some distance away.  I think his assignment was “Ride like hell for backup if shit goes down.”


This was taken fairly early on in the protest.  There were a few hundred people, most of whom had signs of some kind.  Don’t be fooled, not everyone down there is protesters.  Lots of them are reporters and curiosity seekers.


They had a quick prayer, which I didn’t really pay attention to.  I imagine it contained all of the usual rhetoric.  The USA is God’s country, our founding fathers wanted a Christian nation, God save us from the non-believers, etc.


And then everyone said the pledge of allegiance.  This was followed by a pledge of allegiance to the state flag, which I didn’t even know we had.  I’m a bad Texan.


Not as bad as this lady, though.  This is the one who didn’t know the tune to Texas, Our Texas and compared Obama to Santa Anna.


One last shot of the crowd.  There were quite a few people carrying flags and homemade signs.  Some looked suspiciously professional, though.


Wingnut Bingo Card item 1: Death panels.


Lots of Republican groups had set up booths, apparently for recruitment of their fellow conservatives.  The Brazos Valley Tea Party had a booth and was selling snacks.  I think the irony of using Ben Franklin’s “Join or Die” cartoon to advocate for political division is probably lost on these people.


There was a lot of stuff invoking the Texas War for Independence, like this “Come and Take It” flag.  There was also a guy with a “Don’t Tread On Me” flag, but I didn’t get a picture of it.


This dude had a whole cart full of signs.  He would pick one up, carry it around for a while, and then switch it for another one.  Teddy got a good rant on film from this guy.  Note the mini “Don’t Tread on Me” flag stuck on top.


The above mentioned cart full of signs.  I wouldn’t actually call this guy a wingnut.  He was just generally nutty.


Yet another sign.


And here’s the other side of that one.  Wingnut Bingo Item number 2: Nazi symbols.


I thought I’d managed to catch this lady pulling the Nazi symbols off, but apparently just missed it.  When Teddy talked to the guy later, he complained about how his kids had made the sign, and they’d been forced to take the symbols off.  He said that people were “making [him] out to be racist.”  Doin’ just fine on yer own, sir.


More signs.  There was a general theme of “Leave Texas Alone!”


This one’s mostly here to point out that there was a whole slew of people here protesting socialism who probably had no problem cashing in their Social Security checks.


Some of the signs were considerably less professional looking.


Wingnut Bingo Card Item 3: “I’m Christian, conservative, and I’m carrying a gun.  Be scared.”


Some of the signs were very detailed.  I’m sure that there’s someone out there more willing than I am to pick this one apart.  But it does have Wingnut Bingo Item 4: “Taxpayer money for abortions, OH NOES!”


This one was actually kinda clever, though the picture didn’t look much like the dog he had with him.  There were lots of people who had their dogs with them.  Bets on how many of them cleaned up after said dogs?


Another dog guy, this one with a piece of paper with the words “The Constitution” printed on it, and a plastic sword sticking out of his back.  Gotta give him props for originality.


I think this might have been a stab at the Aggie Honor Code, but it’s hard to tell.  They forgot step 4, though.  “Profit.”


These people, on the other hand, were REALLY Aggie themed.  The dude was even wearing an Aggie hat.  Dear Mr. Pres: Not all Aggies are this wacky.


They were very proud to have 8 Aggies in their family.  She asked about my Aggie ring, and made a comment about us sharing “Aggie Values.”  I’m pretty sure if I’d popped off with “I’m an Aggie, bisexual, and pagan” she’d have decided very quickly that I wasn’t a “real” Aggie.


This was one of the few black people actively participating in the protest.  Everyone else I saw was either a reporter, or a bystander.  I think she caught me taking this picture, and didn’t look too happy about it.


The Young Conservatives of Texas showed up, dressed to thrill.  In the background of this one, you can see some of the people who just came to gawk.  These kids later had all sorts of funny counter protest signs.


Me:  “Oh!  Healthcare draft!  I get it.”  Teddy: “Yeah, lots of people were confused, so they had to clarify their signs.”


Why yes, that is the Grim Reaper.  Death promotes Death Panels, because they give him more work, see?


There were several reporters who came up to talk to these guys and interview them.  The goofy costumes sure helped us to take them seriously.


I’m sure there’s a logic to this which goes beyond “The French Suck!”  But I can’t imagine that this guy has actually done any research into the French Healthcare system.

And last but by no means least:  Wingnut BINGO!


Yup, you’re reading that right.  It’s a genuine birther, homemade t-shirt and all.  Teddy also got some film of this guy’s truly stunning rant on why Obama clearly wasn’t a natural born citizen of the US.

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